Reads to Motivate & Power Up Your Success

Here are some great books I have read, and put into action in my own life and my wonderful clients.

But if you don't have time to read them all, no worries, I am bound to use tons of this stuff and more in my blog just for you.
Many years ago this book came to me. It was a tiny little book wrote in a very old fashion way but the core principles in this book have been with me for a long time. I remember sharing my copy with my tutors when I trained as a coach and they loved the fact that I'd been tapping into this natural way of positively powering up my success for so many years.
I read this book years ago, and it pointed out to me the powerful way I naturally communicate with people, and helped me ensure I was recreating it naturally. It ensures that its a win win situation for both parties no matter what has to be discussed. But ultimately its very powerful when it comes to business. I was reminded how powerful this book is only this week when I had a few tweets from the awesome author himself, who I highly recommend you follow for influential ideas, great advice and some great people around the world to connect with. to get your copy. And here's Bob Burg's Twitter Account
This book helps you to appreciate the power of visualisation and believing what you truly want to achieve. If you can create it in your mind, you can make it a reality, the unfortunate thing is so many concentrate on the negative outcome and not the amazingly positive magical opportunities that could be heading your way. It may be a more holistic approach to success, but non the less powerful and just as necessary to ensure success.
If you are not connected to the woman you are and accept you can wear heels and still be a match for any other person on this planet on your own terms, acknowledging your own brilliance, then this book is for you.
Read this book when I first started coaching years ago and it helped me appreciate for many years I'd been using coaching techniques to help people get the best out of their lives and business. Turns out I wasn't just a "Good Ear" I had a real skill to enable people to success - tap into yours!
This book is amazing. If you think your life is tough and you can't keep going. Then this is for you. I love the honesty, it is a bit tough but well worth every minute. I couldn't put it down. This man is someone we can all learn from. If for you right now it's so tough you can't go on - just concentrate on putting one foot in front of the other.
Steve Clarke was one of the first speakers I approached years ago to talk for The Business Womans Network and to later work alongside. He is awesome and its a privilege to know and work with him, always. Lap it up. You will love its simple approach to your marketing success.
This book helped me appreciate that I tap into my subconscious mind and reprogram it for success and that I've been helping business women achieve the same for years - Awesome read, Awesome guy.
The kind of person I am, I read this one Summer, loved it and so contacted the author. Who went on to speak for me twice and inspired me to appreciate when to multitask and when to do one thing at a time, even when to step away from the office - Powerful stuff, if adhered to, and a great chapter on Teens!
This was a very recent read for me, but it really confirmed for me that my attitude to life, people and me were well on the right path, and I should keep going just as I am, always aiming to be helping others, empower, motivate, inspire and spread a laugh wherever I go.

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